There is One Good Thing about Snow

January 19, 2024

As I watched the snow fall and the cold descend upon us, I realized there is one good thing about the snow in Spring Hill. The traffic was almost non-existent this week! Even though I'm on #TeamSand, I appreciated what the snow brought this week.

If you've been hunkered down all week, start getting excited about gathering with your church family this Sunday. Let's all emerge from our homes with expectancy of what God will do as we gather.

Also, don't forget the Belize Mission Trip Q&A is this Sunday following the 10:30am worship service. If you have the slightest desire to go on mission this summer, show up this Sunday.

I can't wait to worship with you at 9am or 10:30am this Sunday. Come expectant.

Jess Rainer
Lead Pastor
PS -- If you caught the sermon from two weeks ago, I want you to know that I stole back my heated blanket this week. It was too cold to let the dog keep it.

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